Our Clinic provides injection therapy delivered by highly trained and specialised physiotherapist who is trained in the clinical use of Ostenil Injections. We offer a range of appointment options to fit in with your work and lifestyle commitments.
Ostenil® plus injections consist of a solution containing sodium hyaluronate. It works by restoring the normal balance between the breakdown and production of hyaluronic acid within the joint. The effect is that it can decrease pain and stiffness, and improve the other symptoms of osteoarthritis. OSTENIL Plus® is an isotonic solution of highly purified hyaluronan (sodium hyaluronate) developed specifically for the treatment of osteoarthritis.
OSTENIL® PLUS contains a higher concentration of sodium hyaluronate, with the addition of mannitol. This formulation offers effective symptomatic relief with a single injection in knee, shoulder, hip joints or any of the other synovial joints in the body and is well tolerated.
A synovial joint is one that allows for movement, like the knee, hip or shoulder. Where the bones meet, their surfaces are covered with a layer of thick cartilage and a thin layer of fluid (synovial fluid) that separates and lubricates the two surfaces and protects the cartilage from wear and tear. The most important component of synovial fluid is hyaluronic acid, which allows the fluid to perform effectively. This product allows several joints to be treated at the same time. Repeat treatment cycles may be administered as required. OSTENIL® PLUS has been extensively tested and has not been found to cause any serious side effects, plus it contains no animal proteins, so is unlikely to cause an allergic reaction.